From an early-stage startup all the way to a successful exit!
Our firm is proud to have represented our longstanding client – Wazimo Media, in its acquisition by Minute Media.
Together, Wazimo, a tech company that specializes in combining engaging content with advanced technology, and Minute Media, a digital content publishing platform, will allow digital publishers and creators to build, segment and grow audiences at scale.
The Gross & Co. team: Chen Manzur, Arthur Brusilov, Bar Kashi, Noa Levi, Ady Amit, Nicole Malinger, Shay Fahima, Oren Biran, Ella Tevet and Rotem Helbetz.
Key Contacts
Chen Manzur
Arthur Brusilov
Shay Fahima
Oren Biran
Ella Tevet
Rotem Helbitz
Senior Counsel