Adv. Naama Toledo specializes in municipal tax.
Naama provides legal counsel to public and private entities, developers, companies and some of Israel’s largest infrastructure entities with regard to municipal tax, including construction fees, development levies, property tax and betterment levies.
Naama advises clients regarding complex proceedings related to payment demands from local authorities, representing clients before the authorities and planning committees as well as courts.
Over the years, Naama represented dozens of municipalities in the municipal tax field, providing ongoing counsel and handling demands for increasing property tax payments and development levies addressed to multiple assesses and major corporations. In addition, Naama served as outside legal counsel to municipalities and statutory corporations. She also accumulated long years of experience in representing private clients, real estate companies, industrial companies, commercial entities and others vis-à-vis the municipal tax authorities.
Naama represents clients before courts and appellate tribunals in relevant legal proceedings, including class actions and administrative claims. In addition, she represents clients in civil and administrative proceedings before all courts, including Magistrate Courts, District Courts, Administrative Courts and the Supreme Court.
LL.M., Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 2012
LL.B., College of Management Academic Studies, Rishon Le Zion, 2009
Israel Bar Association, 2010