Municipal Tax – Betterment Tax and Municipal Levies


Experience and Expertise

Our firm possesses expertise and diverse experience in the fields of betterment tax, development tax, municipal tax and other mandatory municipal payments, during and subsequent to their payment. The attorneys acquired many years of experience and extensive working relations in the field of municipal taxation, and have expertise and skill in handling negotiations with the professional authorities within the local councils.

Betterment Tax

The attorneys possess extensive experience in the representation of clients regarding betterment tax requirements, beginning from the examination of the payment request, and through filing counter evaluations, filing appeals against the betterment tax charge, and also represent clients in all relevant courts of law. The attorneys advise the appraisers who handle the betterment tax on all legal and planning aspects involved.

Development Tax

The firm possesses significant experience regarding development tax. The firm’s attorneys represent clients in legal proceedings, before local councils and municipal corporations, while examining and challenging requirements to pay urban development tax and in reducing the scope of the charge, both regarding required payments relating to the development of projects and regarding initiated payments on behalf of the local council. The attorneys also examine the predicted scope of the development tax of future projects.

Municipal Tax

Our legal teams have expertise and significant experience in the representation of clients in requirements of municipal tax charges – including in suiting the classification of decreased municipal tax to properties, challenging the legality of the charge and its scope, challenging the legality of municipal by-laws and municipal tax in all relevant courts of law.