
Helping others has brought an end to the discrimination and deprivation of special education students | April 2020

April 5, 2020

During these difficult and challenging days, we are excited to announce the success of a project, the result of our firm’s collaboration with the “Rights of People with Disabilities Clinic” operating at Bar-Ilan University.

This past weekend, after intense work, the severe discrimination and deprivation of special education students in one local authority came to an end. This happened following a call from the clinic to the firm, asking us to assist a group of parents and students with special needs after the local authority illegally decided not to provide them with a dedicated school.
The local authority, backed by the Ministry of Education, refused to allow students to enter other educational institutions, and decided to provide them only with a dilapidated structure, adjacent to a highway and without a yard.

With the help of our office staff, who did not rest for a moment – the discriminatory conduct by the local authority was brought to an end, and the students received a special structure for their school. Last week, when the children returned to their studies, they were able to attend school in a structure specially tailored to meet their needs.