
From Antitrust to Economic Competition – A Roadmap for the New Reform

March 20, 2019

The second conference on “From Antitrust to Economic Competition – A Roadmap for the New Reform”, following over booking for the first conference held a month earlier. The conference dealt with the new Economic Competition Law, the most comprehensive reform to the antitrust law since it was first adopted nearly 30 years ago. The conference was led by Adv. Boaz Golan, Head of our Antitrust and Competition Department, who served as special outside advisor to the Israel Competition Authority’s General Director with regard to the amendment. Among the speakers at the conference were Adv. Assaf Moses, Deputy Legal Counsel, ICA; Adv. Nira Poran, Executive Director & Controller, Israel Chapter, ACC; as well as Adv. Nimrod Prawer and Adv. Zohar David, partners in our Antitrust and Competition Department.